Institut für Physik - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Max-Born-Institut
Publications>>Titania woodpiles with complete three-dimensional photonic bandgaps in the visible
Titania woodpiles with complete three-dimensional photonic bandgaps in the visible
Andreas Frölich, Joachim Fischer, Thomas Zebrowski, Kurt Busch, and Martin Wegener (2013)
Advanced Materials 25:3588
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Titania woodpile photonic crystals are fabricated by a combination of stimulated-emission depletion direct laser writing and a novel titania double-inversion procedure. The procedure relies on atomic-layer deposition, which is also used to fine-tune the template geometry to maximize the gapsize. Angle- and polarization-resolved transmittance spectroscopy and a comparison with theory provide evidence for the first complete photonic bandgap in the visible.