Institut für Physik - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Max-Born-Institut
Publications>>Additive splitting methods for parallel solutions of evolution problems
Additive splitting methods for parallel solutions of evolution problems
S. Amiranashvili, M. Radziunas, U. Bandelow, K. Busch, and R. Ciegis (2021)
Journal of Computational Physics 436:110320
Summary (expand/hide)
We demonstrate how a multiplicative splitting method of order P can be utilized to construct an additive splitting method of order P+3. The weight coefficients of the additive method depend only on P, which must be an odd number. Specifically we discuss a fourth-order additive method, which is yielded by the Lie-Trotter splitting. We provide error estimates, stability analysis of a test problem, and numerical examples with special discussion of the parallelization properties and applications to nonlinear optics.