Institut für Physik - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Max-Born-Institut
Publications>>Modeling electromagnetic resonators using quasinormal modes
Modeling electromagnetic resonators using quasinormal modes
P.T. Kristensen, K. Herrmann, F. Intravaia, and K. Busch (2020)
Advances in Opics and Photonics 12:612
Summary (expand/hide)
We present a biorthogonal approach for modeling the response of localized electromagnetic resonators using quasinormal modes, which represent the natural, dissipative eigenmodes of the system with complex frequencies. For many problems of interest in optics and nanophotonics, the quasinormal modes constitute a powerful modeling tool, and the biorthogonal approach provides a coherent, precise, and accessible derivation of the associated theory, enabling an illustrative connection between different modeling approaches that exist in the literature.