Institut für Physik - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Max-Born-Institut
Publications>>Surface-plasmon-polariton hybridized cavity modes in submicrometer slits in a thin Au film
Surface-plasmon-polariton hybridized cavity modes in submicrometer slits in a thin Au film
Walther, R, Fritz, S, Müller, E, Schneider, T, Maniv, T, Cohen, H, Matyssek, C, Busch, K, and Gerthsen, D (2016)
Physical Review B 93:245417
Summary (expand/hide)
The excitation of cavity standing waves in double-slit structures in thin gold films, with slit lengths between 400 and 2560 nm, was probed with a strongly focused electron beam in a transmission electron microscope. The energies and wavelengths of cavity modes up to the 11th mode order were measured with electron energy loss spectroscopy to derive the corresponding dispersion relation. For all orders, a significant redshift of mode energies accompanied by a wavelength elongation relative to the expected resonator energies and wavelengths is observed. The resultant dispersion relation is found to closely follow the well-known dispersion law of surface-plasmon polaritons (SPPs) propagating on a gold/air interface, thus providing direct evidence for the hybridized nature of the detected cavity modes with SPPs.